Your name
We need your personal details so we can guarantee that your quote is accurate.

This is the postcode for the address that your policy documentation will be sent to; it’s also the address where the car will be kept and insured (unless you tell us otherwise later on).

Having trouble finding your address?

Contact Number
It is important that we have your main contact number to enable us to contact you if there are any issues with your policy.

When you buy your insurance, your policy documentation will be sent by email.

This is your Uber Pro Status. Please ensure this is accurate as it will be validated by Uber and will affect your price
Uber Driver Rating
It is important that you select the correct Driver Rating as it will be validated by Uber and will affect the price that you are quoted.

Please contact Uber if you are unsure of your rating.
Current Insurer
Please select the name of the insurer that you are currently with.

If your current Uber insurance provider is not listed, or if this is the first time that you are insuring as an Uber driver, please select 'Other Insurer/Not listed'.

Start Date of Cover
Tell us the date you’d like your policy to start. It’s worth checking when your current policy expires as otherwise there may be a gap, leaving you uninsured.
Please note: You can only select a cover start date within 30 days from today as most insurers will not let you buy a policy starting any later than this